We believe that God loves Oxgangs and all of the people that live here. There are already so many great things we love about our community, but we also know that we have a part to play in seeing Oxgangs flourish. As a church we exist to call Oxgangs to life.
That means that we want to celebrate all that is good but also continually call ourselves and others to live lives of freedom, purpose, and hope. We believe this happens only when we come into a relationship with our creator and understand the bigger story we are part of. That is why we want to be a community where people can belong, where they can seek and find Jesus and grow in all of their God-given potential.
We are a church of different ages, backgrounds, and life experiences but there are some things that we have in common that make us who we are. These are the things that matter most to us:
Local generosity - Oxgangs is our home and we want to serve this community.
Inclusive family - Everyone is invited to belong, and everyone has a unique part to play.
Jesus-centred - It is all about Jesus and we want to follow Him with our lives.
Spirit-led - We want to be led by the Spirit and learn to hear and trust in Him.
Outward-facing - We want to share the hope that we have with others.

  • Cell groups / Home Groups
  • Sunday School
  • Youth Groups
  • Courses

Regular Activities and Events

Day Time Activity
Sunday 10:30 am Family Gathering
  • Leaders:

    Rev Aaron Elder (Minister)

  • Congregation size:


Origin Scotland